
It takes a village to keep this website going. From tech and coding to design to fixing bugs getting readers' books when downloads fail to schedule social media or running the forums, I have a lot of help. I simply couldn’t run the website, write, travel, eat, sleep, or anything in between if I didn’t have the support and help of an amazing group of people. It’s not just me writing and posting about my travels. I have a big group of full-time staff helping juggle everything. I’ve realized a lot of you don’t know that so, today, I want to introduce the team to you. I grew up in Connecticut and went to school in Virginia. During a quarter-life crisis at age 21, I chose to finish my last year of college on an adventure in Qatar! From that moment on, my life revolved around traveling cheaply with the money I earned from waitressing. That budget got me to teach English in  Isaan, Thailand , and South Korea; farm on St. Vincent and the Grenadines in the  Caribbean  and  Cos